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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/29/09
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 29, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Stephen Schacht in the Little Town Hall at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Steven Schacht, Gordon Webber, and Michael Genest

Staff Present:  Neal Cass (Town Administrator)

Media Present:  Josh Bond-Monadnock Ledger Transcript, Michael Pon-The Villager.

1.  Acceptance of the minutes of previous Board of Selectmen meeting.
VOTE:    Selectman Webber moved that the minutes of the June 8, 2009 Board
                of Selectmen meeting be accepted as printed.  Selectman Genest
                seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman
                Schacht called for the vote.  All members voted in favor and the
                Chairman declared the motion carried.

VOTE:    Selectman Webber moved that the minutes of the June 8, 2009 Board of Selectmen Non-public Session be accepted as printed.  Selectman Genest seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  All members voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

2.  Appointment with Highway Crew members Steve Blood, Chip Craig, and William
Mr. Blood, Mr. Craig, and Mr. Willet said they were attending to share their thoughts on the Road Agent position that will be open shortly.  It was explained that oversight of the Transfer Station and Building and Grounds is being added to the position, but it will remain a Road Agent position.  The Transfer Station manager will continue to do the same things, but would report to the Road Agent.  Mr. Craig stressed that the purpose of his visit was to ask that the present crew being given the chance to submit their resumes.  Selectmen stated that all three present are welcome to apply and be part of the candidate pool.  Mr. Willet stated that any of the three would make a good Road Agent.  The position will begin to be advertised during July.

3.  Appointment with Police Chief Scott Lester
Chief Lester informed the Board that he working to enforce the Town helmet ordinance.  His department will be using a progressive approach.  Also, the department is presenting certificates for free ice cream at Tenney Farm to enforce positive behavior when a helmet is worn.  This seems to be having very positive results.  Chief Lester said that he is presently updating the summons that the Town uses and will be reviewing the fines for Town ordinances and will present a recommendation to the Board.  The Board reviewed schedule that the Chief is putting into place when his department is fully staffed in August.  He will spend 50% of his time patrolling and there will be coverage throughout most of the night.  The new schedule provides for more flexibility and help to keep overtime to a minimum.  The Chief explained that because of the circumstances that have existed this year the overtime and part-time lines in the budget are going to be overspent.  The Board reviewed the numbers and instructed the Chief to maintain the present coverage and the Board and the Chief will review the number again at the end of August.

4.  Appointment with Theresa Kimball and her real estate agent Karen Couturier.
Ms. Kimball explained that she has pre-approval to buy 46 Main Street and is hoping to buy it through a short sale.  Her wish is to buy the building and bring it up to code, have the business tenants remain, and open a store selling things that have to do with heat.  She requested that the Board of Selectmen abate the over $12,000 in back property taxes.  The Board stressed that is very much in support of keeping the two thriving businesses in the building open.  They instructed the Town Administrator to contact Town Counsel to review the situation and determine what options are available.

5.  Public Hearing in accordance with RSA 674:57 for the purpose of incorporating new
dates for the Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Insurance Study in order to be in compliance with new effective dates as per Federal Emergency Management Agency Regulations.
`       Chairman Schacht opened the Public Hearing and noted that the meeting was duly posted and advertised in the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript.  He asked for public comment.  There was none.

VOTE:    Selectman Genest moved that the following resolution be adopted by
            the Board of Selectmen:
Pursuant to RSA 674:57, by resolution of the Town of Antrim Board of Selectmen, all lands designated as special flood hazard areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in its “Flood Insurance Study of the County of Hillsborough, NH” dated September 25, 2009, together with the associated Flood Insurance Rate Maps dated September 25, 2009, are hereby declared to be part of the Town of Antrim New Hampshire Zoning Ordinance and are hereby incorporated by reference.

Selectman Webber seconded the motion. There being no further discussion,  Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  All members voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

6.  Emergency Management
After discussion the Board requested that the Town Administrator write a charge for a committee to review the use of the school as an emergency shelter.  The committee will report back to the Board who will meet with the Emergency Management Director to determine if any changes should be made to the Town’s emergency plan.

7.  E-911 Compliance
Administrator Cass presented the Board with information concerning the Town becoming E-911 compliant.  After review the Board asked that a full plan be prepared and brought to them for review.

8.  Phase II Sidewalk Project
State funding for this project is not available until FY2011 so this will be discussed further at another meeting this summer.

9.  Member Updates
·       Selectman Webber reported that the SAC has assigned members to serve as liaisons with school district committees.
·       Selectman Schacht is presently drawing up a plan to give to Mrs. Barsanti concerning the drainage on Summer Street.

10.  Town Administrator Updates
·       The Assistant Town Clerk/Tax Collector is working on an “as needed” basis.  There is no plan to hire a new permanent deputy at this time.
·       Brian Sawich has resigned as a Trustee of the Trust Funds effective August 1.  Recommendations for a replacement will be solicited from the Trustees.
·       Richard Allen wishes to be an Alternate on the ZBA.  The ZBA will be asked for their recommendation.
·       North Main Street is essentially done.  The Town is working to obtain a possible easement to leave the connector between Goodell Road and Smith Road.
·       The Holt Hill project is underway.  Due to ledge, blasting will take place.  There will be an additional cost.
·       Selectmen were given a draft of the Memorial Gymnasium Agreement for review.

11. Non-public Session – RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel
           VOTE:  Selectman Genest moved that the Board of Selectmen enter into Non-Public session under the provision of RSA 91-A:3 II (a).  Selectman Webber seconded the motion.  Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  Selectman Webber, Schacht and Genest voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried (3-0).

          The Board entered Non-Public Session at 7:55 p.m. returning to open session at 8:05 p.m.

           VOTE:  Selectman Genest moved that the minutes of the just concluded Non-Public Session be sealed.  Selectman Webber seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  All members present voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

12.  Non-public Session – RSA 91-A:3 II (e) Legal
           VOTE:  Selectman Webber moved that the Board of Selectmen enter into Non-Public session under the provision of RSA 91-A:3 II (e).  Selectman Genest seconded the motion.  Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  Selectman Webber, Schacht and Genest voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried (3-0).

          The Board entered Non-Public Session at 8:05 p.m. returning to open session at 8:16 p.m.

           VOTE:  Selectman Genest moved that the minutes of the just concluded Non-Public Session be sealed.  Selectman Webber seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Schacht called for the vote.  All members present voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

There being no further business, the Board decided by consensus to adjourn at 8:17 p.m.   The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 20, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.

Recorder:  Neal A. Cass
Date:  July 6, 2009